Services for Children & Youth

Today’s children need Lions more than ever

Millions of children suffer from poverty, homelessness, hunger, abuse, neglect, disease and disabilities. Tragically, these children often must live without essential health and education services that would alleviate their distress – and give them hope for the future. That’s why the Lions Services for Children Program continues Lions Clubs International’s long tradition of helping the world’s future generations.

Lions Services for Children Projects

The problems children face vary in degree from country to country, but the need for health and education services is constant and universal. Lions clubs help address these needs by developing services for children – projects with specific, attainable goals, including:

  • Collecting food, clothes or books
  • Organizing a vision or hearing screening
  • Providing immunizations through a vaccination drive
  • Starting a literacy program with a local school, library, community center or Leo club
  • Supporting a nutritional program for undernourished children
  • Securing wheelchairs for disabled children
  • Sending a child with diabetes or physical challenges to a specialized camp

Lions have also constructed hospitals, schools, orphanages and children’s centers throughout the world to serve children in need.

Life-Changing Services and Opportunities for Youth

Our youth programs make growing up safer and healthier. Through Lions Quest, we bring crucial life skills to more than 12 million children in classrooms around the world. We cultivate capable and healthy young people of strong character through comprehensive, positive youth development.

We bring young people together. Our Leo clubs provide youth volunteer opportunities that inspire and support leadership in young people ages 12 to 30 by giving them the chance to learn, grow and serve by participating in community service projects.

We enhance their lives. Every year, thousands of young people travel around the world to learn about cultures, customs and friendship through our Youth Camp and Exchange program.

And we help them share a message of peace. For decades, the Peace Poster Contest has helped more than four million young people express their creativity, their aspirations and their hopes for the world.